Royal School of Church Music in America Carolina Summer Choral Residency

The 28th annual Royal School of Church Music in America Carolina Summer Choral Residency will be held July 14 - 20, 2025 on the campus of Duke University. Tansy Castledine, Director of Music at Peterborough Cathedral, UK, is this year’s Music Director. The Residency’s Organist is Margaret Harper who is Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church in Princeton, NJ. The Chaplain is the Reverend Andrew Kryzak who hails from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Stamford, CT.

Course Staff

Tansy Castledine

Music Director
Tansy Castledine

Margaret Harper

Margaret Harper

Reverend Andrew Kryzak

Reverend Andrew Kryzak

Mark Ardrey-Graves

Mark Ardrey-Graves

Pam Hair

Chorister Registrar
Pam Hair

Stephen Gourley

Adult Registrar
Stephen Gourley

Marilyn Neely

Marilyn Neely

Kendall Anvoots

Head Proctor
Kendall Anvoots

Homer Ferguson, III

Adult Proctor
Homer Ferguson, III

Paul Thomas

Paul Thomas

David Sinden

Jeannie Kienzel

Jeannie Kienzel

Marissa Hall

Marissa Hall

Residency Registration

Registration is now open for girls and adults! You may contact us with any questions you may have. Please remember that all youth, adults, and staff must have all forms on file prior to arrival at Duke University.

A $100 deposit is required with completed registration forms to reserve your place in this year’s RSCM Carolina Summer Choral Residency. Please see payment information below.

Staff members are also required to register and submit these forms.

Online Registration

We encourage you to submit your registration forms electronically using Google Forms.

Girl Registration Adult Registration

When registering online the following forms must also be completed and either mailed or sent via scan / photo to the registrar. When completed these forms contain signatures and safety information that is kept on file by the RSCM America.

USPS / Scanner Registration

Paper forms which may be mailed to the registrar or scanned and emailed. These forms contain the all the necessary signatures and safety information. Use these forms when not registering online.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!

Make a Payment

The RSCM Carolina Summer Choral Residency is accepting payments through PayPal. Easily pay registration fees with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, or a checking account.

A $100 deposit and completed registration forms are required to reserve a spot. Registration fees do not include music. Click the below PayPal button to make a payment. PayPal will ask for the specific amount to pay. Use this feature to pay for deposits, balances, or to cover multiple registrations. This link can also be used for any donations to the RSCM Carolina Summer Choral Residency, which is a non-profit 501©(3) organization.

2025 Registration Fees
Deposit Only$100
Chorister Participant$850 / $900 after April 1
Adult Participant$850 / $900 after April 1
Adult Day Participant$600 (includes meals) or $500 (no meals)
2025 Discounts
RSCM America Membership (Member number required)-$25

You may also pay by mailing a check to the course registrar. You can also send any questions you have by email or phone.


Music and ordering instructions will be available shortly.

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